To my daughters, the loves of my life,
You are my everything.

When I was little, I wanted to have a little baby girl and be a Mother more than anything. I thought about all the kids I wanted and prayed and prayed I would have a girl or two!! I thought about all the things we would do and how I would hold you at night, how I would look into your eyes and love you more than anything.
Now I have you both and your brother too! It’s a true miracle. God has blessed me and your daddy beyond what we could imagine.
I look into your eyes, Harper & Birdie and see the world. God has so many plans for you, ones that I cannot see, ones that are far beyond my wildest imagination.

My wish is that you would see the good in every situation, look for the lesson, be wild, happy and free. Love everyone, even when it’s hard. Take chances!! Do things you are afraid to do and this way you will learn what all you are capable of! You both have so much to offer to this world.
Dream huge dreams and no matter what anyone else says, you follow your own dreams and don’t change for anyone!
I pray you smile big, help others and pray often. My wish is for you to have faith and believe in yourself. Most importantly, you know that you are loved and never ever question our love for you.
My girls, my babies, my everything. Your first breath made me the happiest ever on this earth. I’m so thankful my dreams came true and God gave me this huge opportunity to love on you and guide you through this world.
I love you, I love you. Always and forever, Mommy

Soooo beautiful Sarah! Over this friend made me tear up! 💕
Sarah Elizabeth Ray
BrandiThank you Brandi!! You are too sweet.
Faith Rose
God answered in abundance 💖🎀💖 Your girl’s are beautiful and will do amazing things.
Sarah Elizabeth Ray
Faith RoseThank you Faith!! Wishing so many amazing blessings for you and your beautiful fam 💗🎀
Just beautiful ♥️ Such a blessing to have such a wonderful family.🥰
Janel Webster
This is a true treasure🧡