Happy Friday Fam!! I know y’all have been working so hard this week, and you seriously ALL deserve a nice tall glass of…let’s just say “water” in case your kids are around, just kidding 😉 or a giant cup of coffee (my fav)! For me, it has been a really exciting week (with so many possibilities and so much fun stuff that I can’t wait to share with you all soon), but also it has been a really busy and hard week as well. In case you had a really hard week too, I just wanted to say really quick that YOU GOT THIS GIRL. I believe in you, and I am here for you. There are so many women who reach out to me about trying to stay positive through hard times, and I am here to tell you that you CAN get through it and you WILL get stronger from this.
Anyways, I am hope I’m not the only one who is obsessing over ever detail of our Easter Brunch coming up this weekend! I love baking for fun with Harper…as you can see HERE or HERE but baking and cooking for my whole family…that’s some serious brunch business on a day like EASTER. I haven’t done that before, so I am super excited!! To help me with my party planning, I am buying all the amazing Easter goodies online to prepare!
At least it will all look super cute in my kitchen! Sure, I can decorate my home all cute and Spring-y, but I need your advice!! What should I cook this weekend? Any ideas or recipes to share? That’s it for now! I hope you all loved reading my Friday favorites. I would love to chat with you! Xx