In case you missed the big news… we’re pregnant! We are SO excited for this blessing and to share everything with you! I’ve talked a lot about this on Instagram but if you want all of the details I’m answering your questions in my next newsletter (sign up here)! After we got the amazing news, it made me think a lot about my family and being a mom. I absolutely love being a mother and spending quality time with Orvil and the kids, but sometimes with work and our crazy busy schedules, it can be hard to spend meaningful time with each other. I’m sure so many of you mamas can relate! Because of this, I wanted to share how we create mindful and meaningful time together and my quick tips on how I always make this a priority.
Even on the busiest of days, we make sure to designate certain days for family days. That way, I can get my work done and any other tasks I have so I am fully present on that family day and can enjoy it with Orvil and the kids! This has been such a game-changer for me so I can plan out my week with work but I also have something amazing to look forward to. I love this tradition and want to continue it even as the kids get older. Things will just keep getting busier but if we have that set family day we can always have meaningful time together regardless of what’s going on, and that is so important!
We also take at least an hour every night to talk about our day and what we are thankful for. Typically around dinner time, we sit down together and have such a great conversation. I love hearing everything the kids have to share and it’s just the best family bonding time. Talking about what we are thankful for is a great way to keep a grateful heart and it also helps us recognize all that we are blessed with, even on the hardest of days. Doing these two things has been amazing for our family and is something I can’t recommend enough!
Our favorite family activities
We do so much together and are always trying new things, but these are our go-to’s when it comes to family time.
Baking together: Finding a new recipe and making it together is so much fun! Plus, after we’re done baking we can sit down and enjoy our treat and talk with each other even more. I just made Valentine’s mini bundt cakes with the kids and it was a blast. This is one of my favorite things to do with them!
Family movie night: Another one of our favorite activities and so easy! We always make popcorn and let the kids pick out a candy to eat during the movie. I think adding those little snacks and treats makes the experience feel like being at the movie theater and makes watching a movie together feel more like a special event. This is so fun regardless of what age your kids are!
Hiking or going to our favorite game place: This is great when you want to burn off some energy and leave the house. We typically do these activities on the weekends and tell the kids in advance so they have something fun to look forward to. It’s great to get outside and be in a new space!
Even when we’re just hanging out at home, we always try and make our time together special and fun! Usually, the kids will end up having a dance-off or wrestle with Orvil, haha! They absolutely thrive on quality time and genuinely love being together as a family. I think adding any type of meaningful time to your family’s normal schedule and being mindful during that time is a win. Big or small, anything is great! What are some ways your spend meaningful time with your family? I would love to hear about them in the comments below!
Xo, Sarah